1st edition / 2022 - spring part
1st Luxembourg Guitar Festival
– spring part
The 1st edition of the Luxembourg Guitar Festival will take place from 14th to 15th May 2022 at the Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg. It includes top level concerts, masterclasses, a workshop and a national youth competition.
Saturday, 14.5.
Morning & afternoon - National Youth Competition
2pm - Workshop on lutherie by Renzo Salvador
7pm - Concert by Cristina Galietto
Sunday, 15.5.
Morning & afternoon - National Youth Competition
9am - Guitar masterclass with Cristina Galietto
10am - Concert-presentation of the lute by Manou Schreiner
2pm - Guitar masterclass with Cristina Galietto
2pm - Guitar masterclass with Manou Schreiner
6pm - Awards ceremony
Recital by Cristina Galietto (Italy)
Saturday 14 May 19:00, Auditorium (Conservatoire de Musique - Luxembourg)
(free entrance)
Cristina Galietto is a young guitarist from Naples and winner of the 2021 Eurostrings guitar competition. Her outstanding playing has led her to travel throughout Europe where she has given numerous concerts and master classes.
Her recital will feature major works of composers such as Paganini, Tarrega or Castelnuovo-Tedesco.